Victoria Falls, Africa
November 13-17, 2023
Alumni—do you remember sharing together on Future Generations Residentials? Last month, a survey showed Future Generations alumni have grown now great projects. From 45 countries! Let’s bring some of this together so our experiences can help each other.
Professor Daniel Taylor has scheduled a Master Class so we get a refresher on SEED-SCALE (which has advanced now). Chido Maidwa (alumna Class 2013, who used her degree to become a member of Zimbabwe’s Parliament) has arranged for this Master Class to be held at the spectacular Victoria Falls.
You are invited to come, to share your achievements with so many from countries as one Future Generations team. We will be honest about our challenges. We will look to what might be possible as we go forward. Before coming, each participant must pass the online SEED-SCALE test so we are all working with the same basics. Then when you come, bring a 20-minute PowerPoint description of your project, what you now want to scale up.
Getting inside each other’s work will be exciting. As we help each other we will be “generating a better future” across very different communities. Here is the schedule:
Nov 13th: Each presents her/his “seeds” work tried, what happened then “scaling up”;
Nov 14th: Prof. Taylor uses our work as examples to re-engage SEED-SCALE theory;
Nov 15th: Students coach each other how to advance their projects to new designs;
Nov 16th: Students present to group their improved projects and get peer feedback;
Nov 17th: Prof Taylor, then gives his suggestions on how each project might improve.
There will also be two wildlife tours, and a visit to the spectacular Victoria Falls whose local name is Smoke that Thunders.
Alumni who attend will get a professional certificate as a Master SEED-SCALE Trainer. Current students in the master’s degree who are not yet graduated, but have taken the SEED course, may be able to join if there is space. If you cannot attend in-person, there will be live-stream presentations on Nov 13 & 17 for 2-hours each day so you can listen to your world colleagues describe how they plan to grow their community-based work.
The cost for the program is $385 but there is a possibility for a scholarship. Everyone must pay their travel costs to Victoria Falls (fly into Victoria Falls Airport Zimbabwe, November 12, leave morning of 18th).